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  • Holmgren, Erik
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department.
    Kjellström, Erik
    SMHI, Research Department, Climate research - Rossby Centre.
    Exploring the sensitivity of extreme event attribution of two recent extreme weather events in Sweden using long-running meteorological observations2024In: Natural hazards and earth system sciences, ISSN 1561-8633, E-ISSN 1684-9981, Vol. 24, no 8, p. 2875-2893Article in journal (Refereed)
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    Exploring the sensitivity of extreme event attribution of two recent extreme weather events in Sweden using long-running meteorological observations
  • Eisbrenner, Ezra
    et al.
    Chafik, Leon
    Åslund, Oskar
    SMHI, Samhällsberedskap.
    Doos, Kristofer
    Muchowski, Julia C.
    Interplay of atmosphere and ocean amplifies summer marine extremes in the Barents Sea at different timescales2024In: Communications Earth & Environment, E-ISSN 2662-4435, Vol. 5, no 1, article id 444Article in journal (Refereed)
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    Interplay of atmosphere and ocean amplifies summer marine extremes in the Barents Sea at different timescales
  • Arneborg, Lars
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Oceanography.
    Pemberton, Per
    SMHI, Research Department, Oceanography.
    Grivault, Nathan
    SMHI, Research Department, Oceanography.
    Axell, Lars
    SMHI, Research Department, Oceanography.
    Saraiva, Sofia
    SMHI, Research Department, Oceanography.
    Mulder, Erik
    SMHI, Research Department, Oceanography.
    Fredriksson, Sam
    SMHI, Research Department, Oceanography.
    Hydrographic effects in Swedish waters of future offshore wind power scenarios2024Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    For two future scenarios on the expansion of offshore wind power in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, SMHI has investigated how the hydrography, i.e. temperatures, salinities, currents and stratification, may be affected. Effects were induced by wind stress reductions on the sea surface and by the increased friction and turbulence in the water from wind turbine foundations.

    The results show that an expansion of wind power in the Baltic Sea in general will cause a shallowed halocline, and increased deep water salinities and temperatures, due to decreasing winds behind the wind farms that lead to decreasing vertical mixing in the Baltic Sea. However, the magnitude of changes shows a strong sensitivity to assumptions about the wind stress reduction at the sea surface, and the size of wind power expansion.

    The wind farm scenarios are prepared in collaboration with the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (SwAM) and are based on marine plans from Sweden’s neighbouring countries as well as new proposals for suitable wind power areas that SwAM will present to the government in 2024. In one scenario, Scenario 1, it is assumed that there will be offshore wind in all proposed areas, while in the second scenario, Scenario 2, it is assumed that only 50% of areas will be developed. Both scenarios represent large offshore wind power developments that will probably not be realized in reality. The scenarios have been investigated by running an ocean model for the Baltic Sea and the North Sea with and without wind power for the period 1985 – 2016 to evaluate how different the sea would have looked if the wind power had been built in 1985 according to the scenarios.

    There is still lack of knowledge about how wind farms affect the wind at the sea surface, so this work is based on studies of existing wind farms in the North Sea, where studies show a reduction of the wind by around 8% and an area that extends about 30 km behind the wind farm under stable atmospheric conditions. When the atmosphere is unstable, which it often is in winter, the reduction is less. In order to get an estimate of the largest and smallest possible impact of wind power on the sea, we have therefore, for both scenarios, assumed that the reduction of wind only exists in summer and no reduction during winter (minimum possible impact), or that the reduction exists all year round (upper limit of impact).

    The magnitude of expected changes is very dependent on the assumptions on the wind wakes, and the response is much smaller for the minimum possible impact than for the upper limit impact. The real response for these scenarios probably lays somewhere in between these estimates.

    For the scenario with less wind farms in Swedish waters (Scenario 2), the influences on salinity, temperature, and halocline are reduced relative to Scenario 1 in a manner that may be expected from the difference in total wind farm areas in the Baltic Sea in the two scenarios.

    The model results also show that the wind power foundations (modelled as bottom mounted) cause a salinity decrease in the Baltic Sea deep water, probably due to increased friction and mixing in the entrance region to the Baltic Sea. This effect is much smaller than the wind wake effect when it is active during the whole year.

    The Baltic Sea surface salinity, surface temperature, and currents show much smaller and less robust changes than the salinity and temperature changes in the deepwater.

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    Hydrographic effects in Swedish waters of future offshore wind power scenarios
  • Tsiringakis, Aristofanis
    et al.
    Frogner, Inger-lise
    De Rooy, Wim
    Andrae, Ulf
    SMHI, Research Department, Meteorology.
    Hally, Alan
    Osorio, Sebastian Contreras
    van der Veen, Sibbo
    Barkmeijer, Jan
    An Update to the Stochastically Perturbed Parameterization Scheme of HarmonEPS2024In: Monthly Weather Review, ISSN 0027-0644, E-ISSN 1520-0493, Vol. 152, no 8, p. 1923-1943Article in journal (Refereed)
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    An Update to the Stochastically Perturbed Parameterization Scheme of HarmonEPS
  • Yiheng, Du
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Olsson, Jonas
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Isberg, Kristina
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Strömqvist, Johan
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Hundecha, Yeshewatesfa
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    da Silva, Benedito Claudio
    Rafee, Sameh Adib Abou
    Fragoso, Carlos Ruberto
    Beldring, Stein
    Hansen, Anna
    Uvo, Cintia Bertacchi
    Sorensen, Johanna
    Application-based evaluation of multi-basin hydrological models2024In: Journal of Hydrology, ISSN 0022-1694, E-ISSN 1879-2707, Vol. 641, article id 131727Article in journal (Refereed)
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    Application-based evaluation of multi-basin hydrological models
  • Karlson, Bengt
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Oceanography.
    Torstensson, Anders
    SMHI, Samhällsplanering.
    Hedblom, Mikael
    SMHI, Samhällsplanering.
    Lycken, Jenny
    Lindh, Markus
    SMHI, Samhällsplanering.
    DNA-streckkodning av marina växtplankton: Ett nytt verktyg i miljöövervakningen2024Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Phytoplankton constitute the base of the marine food web and is used all over theworld to assess the quality status of marine and freshwater systems. Phytoplanktonare for example used in the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive and in theEU Water Framework Directive. There are long time series of data from monitoringprograms, where phytoplankton are analyzed using microscopy. However, presentlyDNA methods are quickly emerging. The aim of this project was to develop a practical and robust method to analyze phytoplankton that can be implemented inSwedish marine monitoring programs.The project was performed by joining the regular marine monitoring cruisesfor a period of one year (2019–2020). We collected parallel seawater samples forDNA metabarcoding of phytoplankton. Nineteen stations were sampled, all theway from the Bothnian Bay in the northern Baltic Sea to the Skagerrak adjacent tothe North Sea, with a sampling frequency of ~1 sampling per month. Best practiceswere developed for field sampling, DNA extraction, sequencing, bioinformatics andtaxonomic annotation. We also produced a system for data handling at the nationalhost, and provided a new data type for national data host for marine biology andoceanography, the National Oceanographic Data Centre (https://sharkweb.smhi.se/hamta-data/).An important part of the project was to compare results from DNA metabarcoding and microscopy. In general, results of DNA metabarcoding gives about twiceas high biodiversity measures than microscopy, even though it varies betweendifferent phytoplankton groups. We found that the reference databases have shortcomings and need to be further developed. To find out if DNA metabarcoding canbe used quantitatively, we added an internal standard to the samples, composedof synthetic DNA strings. The analysis showed varying results, and therefore furtherdevelopment is needed. The distribution of common eukaryotic groups showedrelatively good agreement between DNA metabarcoding and the carbon biomassmicroscopy metric, while biovolume and abundance showed larger deviations.With DNA metabarcoding we were able to produce detailed maps of the occurrenceof potentially harmful algae, for example the genus Prymnesium.By using physicochemical data measured in the monitoring programs wehave looked for environmental drivers of phytoplankton diversity and communitycomposition. Both salinity and nutrients were shown to have significant impactson the phytoplankton communities.In summary, we think that the developed DNA metabarcoding method wouldbe a valuable complement to the established microscopy-based phytoplanktonmonitoring.

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    DNA-streckkodning av marina växtplankton
  • Uttal, Taneil
    et al.
    Hartten, Leslie M.
    Khalsa, Siri Jodha
    Casati, Barbara
    Svensson, Gunilla
    Day, Jonathan
    Holt, Jareth
    Akish, Elena
    Morris, Sara
    O'Connor, Ewan
    Pirazzini, Roberta
    Huang, Laura X.
    Crawford, Robert
    Mariani, Zen
    Godoy, Oystein
    Tjernström, Johanna
    SMHI, IT department.
    Prakash, Giri
    Hickmon, Nicki
    Maturilli, Marion
    Cox, Christopher J.
    Merged Observatory Data Files (MODFs): an integrated observational data product supporting process-oriented investigations and diagnostics2024In: Geoscientific Model Development, ISSN 1991-959X, E-ISSN 1991-9603, Vol. 17, no 13, p. 5225-5247Article in journal (Refereed)
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    Merged Observatory Data Files (MODFs): an integrated observational data product supporting process-oriented investigations and diagnostics
  • Day, Jonathan J.
    et al.
    Svensson, Gunilla
    Casati, Barbara
    Uttal, Taneil
    Khalsa, Siri-Jodha
    Bazile, Eric
    Akish, Elena
    Azouz, Niramson
    Ferrighi, Lara
    Frank, Helmut
    Gallagher, Michael
    Godoy, Oystein
    Hartten, Leslie M.
    Huang, Laura X.
    Holt, Jareth
    Di Stefano, Massimo
    Suomi, Irene
    Mariani, Zen
    Morris, Sara
    O'Connor, Ewan
    Pirazzini, Roberta
    Remes, Teresa
    Fadeev, Rostislav
    Solomon, Amy
    Tjernström, Johanna
    SMHI, IT department.
    Tolstykh, Mikhail
    The Year of Polar Prediction site Model Intercomparison Project (YOPPsiteMIP) phase 1: project overview and Arctic winter forecast evaluation2024In: Geoscientific Model Development, ISSN 1991-959X, E-ISSN 1991-9603, Vol. 17, no 14, p. 5511-5543Article in journal (Refereed)
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  • Rzepecka, Zofia
    et al.
    Birylo, Monika
    Jarsjo, Jerker
    Cao, Feifei
    Pietron, Jan
    SMHI, Samhällsplanering.
    Groundwater Storage Variations across Climate Zones from Southern Poland to Arctic Sweden: Comparing GRACE-GLDAS Models with Well Data2024In: Remote Sensing, E-ISSN 2072-4292, Vol. 16, no 12, article id 2104Article in journal (Refereed)
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    Groundwater Storage Variations across Climate Zones from Southern Poland to Arctic Sweden: Comparing GRACE-GLDAS Models with Well Data
  • Vajedsamiei, Jahangir
    et al.
    Warlo, Niklas
    Meier, Markus
    SMHI, Research Department, Oceanography.
    Melzner, Frank
    Predicting key ectotherm population mortality in response to dynamic marine heatwaves: A Bayesian-enhanced thermal tolerance landscape approach2024In: Functional Ecology, ISSN 0269-8463, E-ISSN 1365-2435Article in journal (Refereed)
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    Predicting key ectotherm population mortality in response to dynamic marine heatwaves: A Bayesian-enhanced thermal tolerance landscape approach
  • Persson, Asa
    et al.
    Pyko, Andrei
    Stucki, Lara
    Ogren, Mikael
    Akesson, Agneta
    Oudin, Anna
    Tjonneland, Anne
    Rosengren, Annika
    Segersson, David
    SMHI, Research Department, Meteorology.
    Rizzuto, Debora
    Helte, Emilie
    Andersson, Eva M.
    Aasvang, Gunn Marit
    Gudjonsdottir, Hrafnhildur
    Selander, Jenny
    Christensen, Jesper H.
    Leander, Karin
    Mattisson, Kristoffer
    Eneroth, Kristina
    Barregard, Lars
    Stockfelt, Leo
    Albin, Maria
    Simonsen, Mette K.
    Spanne, Marten
    Roswall, Nina
    Tiittanen, Pekka
    Molnar, Peter
    Ljungman, Petter L. S.
    Mannisto, Satu
    Yli-Tuomi, Tarja
    Cole-Hunter, Thomas
    Lanki, Timo
    Lim, Youn-Hee
    Andersen, Zorana J.
    Sorensen, Mette
    Pershagen, Goran
    Eriksson, Charlotta
    Long-term exposure to transportation noise and obesity: A pooled analysis of eleven Nordic cohorts2024In: ENVIRONMENTAL EPIDEMIOLOGY, ISSN 2474-7882, Vol. 8, no 4, article id e319Article in journal (Refereed)
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    Long-term exposure to transportation noise and obesity: A pooled analysis of eleven Nordic cohorts
  • Oudin, Anna
    et al.
    Raza, Wasif
    Flanagan, Erin
    Segersson, David
    SMHI, Research Department, Meteorology.
    Jalava, Pasi
    Kanninen, Katja M.
    Ronkko, Topi
    Giugno, Rosalba
    Sandstrom, Thomas
    Muala, Ala
    Topinka, Jan
    Sommar, Johan
    Exposure to source-specific air pollution in residential areas and its association with dementia incidence: a cohort study in Northern Sweden2024In: Scientific Reports, E-ISSN 2045-2322, Vol. 14, no 1, article id 15521Article in journal (Refereed)
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    Exposure to source-specific air pollution in residential areas and its association with dementia incidence: a cohort study in Northern Sweden
  • Crochemore, Louise
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Materia, Stefano
    Delpiazzo, Elisa
    Bagli, Stefano
    Borrelli, Andrea
    Bosello, Francesco
    Contreras, Eva
    Dalla Valle, Francesco
    Gualdi, Silvio
    Herrero, Javier
    Larosa, Francesca
    Lopez, Rafael
    Luzzi, Valerio
    Mazzoli, Paolo
    Montani, Andrea
    Moreno, Isabel
    Pavan, Valentina
    Pechlivanidis, Ilias
    Tomei, Fausto
    Villani, Giulia
    Photiadou, Christiana
    Polo, Maria Jose
    Mysiak, Jaroslav
    A Framework for Joint Verification and Evaluation of Seasonal Climate Services across Socioeconomic Sectors2024In: Bulletin of The American Meteorological Society - (BAMS), ISSN 0003-0007, E-ISSN 1520-0477, Vol. 105, no 7, p. E1218-E1236Article in journal (Refereed)
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    A Framework for Joint Verification and Evaluation of Seasonal Climate Services across Socioeconomic Sectors
  • Cuartas, Luz Adriana
    et al.
    Fujita, Thais
    Campos, Juliana Andrade
    Uvo, Cintia Bertacchi
    Nikravesh, Gholamreza
    Olsson, Jonas
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Sorensen, Johanna
    Marengo, Jose Antonio
    Amore, Diogo
    Broedel, Elisangela
    Peixoto, Jerusa
    Hydrometeorological drought analysis through Two-variate Standardized Index for the Parana River Basin, Brazil2024In: Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, E-ISSN 2214-5818, Vol. 54, article id 101886Article in journal (Refereed)
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    Hydrometeorological drought analysis through Two-variate Standardized Index for the Parana River Basin, Brazil
  • Flood, Victoria A.
    et al.
    Strong, Kimberly
    Whaley, Cynthia H.
    Walker, Kaley A.
    Blumenstock, Thomas
    Hannigan, James W.
    Mellqvist, Johan
    Notholt, Justus
    Palm, Mathias
    Roehling, Amelie N.
    Arnold, Stephen
    Beagley, Stephen
    Chien, Rong-You
    Christensen, Jesper
    Deushi, Makoto
    Dobricic, Srdjan
    Dong, Xinyi
    Fu, Joshua S.
    Gauss, Michael
    Gong, Wanmin
    Langner, Joakim
    SMHI, Research Department, Meteorology.
    Law, Kathy S.
    Marelle, Louis
    Onishi, Tatsuo
    Oshima, Naga
    Plummer, David A.
    Pozzoli, Luca
    Raut, Jean-Christophe
    Thomas, Manu A.
    Tsyro, Svetlana
    Turnock, Steven
    Evaluating modelled tropospheric columns of CH4, CO, and O3 in the Arctic using ground-based Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) measurements2024In: Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, ISSN 1680-7316, E-ISSN 1680-7324, Vol. 24, no 2, p. 1079-1118Article in journal (Refereed)
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    Evaluating modelled tropospheric columns of CH4, CO, and O3 in the Arctic using ground-based Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) measurements
  • Wynants, Maarten
    et al.
    Strömqvist, Johan
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Hallberg, Lukas
    Livsey, John
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Bieroza, Magdalena
    How to Achieve a 50% Reduction in Nutrient Losses From Agricultural Catchments Under Different Climate Trajectories?2024In: Earth's Future, E-ISSN 2328-4277, Vol. 12, no 7, article id e2023EF004299Article in journal (Refereed)
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    How to Achieve a 50% Reduction in Nutrient Losses From Agricultural Catchments Under Different Climate Trajectories?
  • Hieronymus, Magnus
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Oceanography.
    Berg, Peter
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Bin Ashraf, Faisal
    Barquet, Karina
    Compound Flooding in Halmstad: Common Causes, Interannual Variability and the Effects of Climate Change2024In: Tellus. Series A, Dynamic meteorology and oceanography, ISSN 0280-6495, E-ISSN 1600-0870, Vol. 76, no 1, p. 148-165Article in journal (Refereed)
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    Compound Flooding in Halmstad: Common Causes, Interannual Variability and the Effects of Climate Change
  • Kahnert, Michael
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Meteorology.
    Ceolato, R.
    Dust Emissions on Mars From Phoenix Lidar Measurements in Relation to Local Meteorological Conditions2024In: Geophysical Research Letters, ISSN 0094-8276, E-ISSN 1944-8007, Vol. 51, no 14, article id e2024GL109652Article in journal (Refereed)
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    Dust Emissions on Mars From Phoenix Lidar Measurements in Relation to Local Meteorological Conditions
  • Garmabaki, A. H. S.
    et al.
    Naseri, Masoud
    Odelius, Johan
    Famurewa, Stephen
    Asplund, Matthias
    Strandberg, Gustav
    SMHI, Research Department, Climate research - Rossby Centre.
    Assessing climate-induced risks to urban railway infrastructure2024In: International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management, ISSN 0975-6809, E-ISSN 0976-4348Article in journal (Refereed)
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    Assessing climate-induced risks to urban railway infrastructure
  • Lake, Irene
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Climate research - Rossby Centre.
    Bukovsky, Melissa S.
    CORDEX-Advancing High-Resolution Climate Information and Its Use in Society2024In: Bulletin of The American Meteorological Society - (BAMS), ISSN 0003-0007, E-ISSN 1520-0477, Vol. 105, no 7, p. E1380-E1387Article in journal (Refereed)
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    CORDEX-Advancing High-Resolution Climate Information and Its Use in Society
  • Joelsson, Magnus
    et al.
    SMHI, Samhällsplanering.
    Södling, Johan
    SMHI, Samhällsberedskap.
    Kjellström, Erik
    SMHI, Research Department, Climate research - Rossby Centre.
    Josefsson, Weine
    Comparison of historical and modern precipitation measurement techniques in Sweden2024In: Idojaras - Quarterly journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Service, ISSN 0324-6329, Vol. 128, no 2Article in journal (Refereed)
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    Comparison of historical and modern precipitation measurement techniques in Sweden