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  • 1.
    Andersson, Helén
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Oceanography.
    Eriksson Bram, Lena
    SMHI, Core Services.
    Hjerdt, Niclas
    SMHI, Core Services.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Löptien, Ulrike
    SMHI, Research Department, Oceanography.
    Strömqvist, Johan
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Översikt av beräkningsmodeller för bedömning av fiskodlingars näringsämnesbelastning på sjöar, vattendrag, magasin och kustvatten2016Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Den här rapporten är en kunskapssammanställning som utförts av SMHI på uppdrag av Havs- och Vattenmyndigheten. Den utgör inte något ställningstagande från Havs- och vattenmyndighetens sida. Rapporten försöker att sammanfatta den problematik som associeras med näringsämnesbelastningar från fiskodlingar i öppna kassar, vilka typer av beräkningar som kan behöva göras för att få en uppfattning om hur dessa kan påverka miljön samt några olika typer av modeller för detta ändamål.

    Fisk-, alg- och skaldjursodling är en växande industri runt om i världen som kan ge såväl näringsrik och hälsosam mat som arbetstillfällen. En nackdel med framförallt fiskodling i öppna kassar är att den kan innebära en påfrestning för vattenmiljön. De näringsämnen som ofta släpps ut från odlingen kan bidra till den övergödningsproblematik som redan finns i många sjöar och havsområden. Det är därför av största vikt att få en god uppskattning av den förväntade storleken på utsläppen förknippade med en öppen odling samt hur de kan tänkas förändra vattenkvaliteten på odlingsplatsen och dess närhet. Beräkningsmodeller kan vara till god hjälp vid bedömningen.

    Fiskar utsöndrar lösta näringsämnen och från odlingskassarna faller det också ut partikulärt organiskt material i form av fekalier och oätet foder. Storleken på näringsämneskällorna behöver beräknas och det finns modeller av olika komplexitet för att uppskatta detta. Storleken på det partikulära avfallet är viktigt dels för att det bidrarmed näringsämnen till vattnet och dels för att det kan ge upphov till ansamlingar av organiskt material på bottnen. När det organiska materialet bryts ner förbrukas syre och om ansamlingarna blir omfattande finns en risk för att det uppstår syrebrist vid bottnen. Om svavelväte bildas kan det orsaka skador på såväl den odlade fisken som det lokala ekosystemet. Odlingen kan också bidra till en försämrad vattenkvalitet i sin omgivning genom att tillgången av lösta näringsämnen blir större och därmed ge en ökad algproduktion. Den ökade algproduktionen skall i sin tur brytas ner och kan i förlängningen bidra till syrebristproblematiken.

    Det finns ett antal modeller som är specifikt utvecklade för fiskodlingar i öppna kassar och de tar i olika hög grad upp den beskrivna problematiken. Rapporten innehåller detaljerade genomgångar av några av modeller för att visa på styrkor och svagheter kring olika angreppsätt. Den innehåller också sammanfattningar av några vanligt förekommande modeller som använts internationellt vid bedömning av fiskodlingars miljöpåverkan. För att minska den negativa påverkan på vattenmiljön från har det också utvecklats recirkulerande system för odling. Rapporten tar inte upp belastning från den typen av fiskodlingar. Om utsläppen från ett sådant system är känt kan dock vattenkvalitetsmodeller användas för att se effekten av utsläpp från en punktkälla.

    Rapporten sammanfattar ett antal vattenkvalitetsmodeller för sjöar, vattendrag, kust och hav. En vattenkvalitetsmodell behöver inte nödvändigtvis vara utvecklad för att beskriva konsekvenser av fiskodlingar men bör kunna hantera frågeställningar som uppkommer vid bedömningar av övergödningsrisk vid utsläpp från en punktkälla. Den behöver därför kunna simulera parametrar såsom förändringen av näringsämneskoncentrationer, primärproduktion, siktdjup och syrgashalter på olika nivåer i vattenmassan. Modeller för den här typen av uppskattningar finns också i olika komplexitetsgrad och för olika skalor i tid och rum.

    Vid modellering är en god tillgång till observationer en förutsättning för pålitliga modellresultat och behövs såväl för att driva och kalibrera modellen som för validering av modellresultaten. Det är viktigt att tillgängliga data håller god kvalitet. En noggrann analys och beskrivning av den tillgängliga databasen hjälper därmed till att bedöma tillförlitligheten av modellsimuleringarna.

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  • 2.
    Andréasson, Johan
    et al.
    SMHI, Professional Services.
    Bergström, Sten
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Carlsson, Bengt
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Graham, Phil
    SMHI, Research Department, Climate research - Rossby Centre.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Hydrological change - Climate change impact simulations for Sweden2004In: Ambio, ISSN 0044-7447, E-ISSN 1654-7209, Vol. 33, no 4-5, p. 228-234Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Climate change resulting from the enhanced greenhouse effect is expected to give rise to changes in hydrological systems. This hydrological change, as with the change in climate variables, will vary regionally around the globe. Impact studies at local and regional scales are needed to assess how different regions will be affected. This study focuses on assessment of hydrological impacts of climate change over a wide range of Swedish basins. Different methods of transferring the signal of climate change from climate models to hydrological models were used. Several hydrological model simulations using regional climate model scenarios from Swedish Regional Climate Modelling Programme (SWECLIM) are presented. A principal conclusion is that subregional impacts to river flow vary considerably according to whether a basin is in northern or southern Sweden. Furthermore, projected hydrological change is just as dependent on the choice of the global climate model used for regional climate model boundary conditions as the choice of anthropogenic emissions scenario.

  • 3.
    Arheimer, Berit
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Andersson, Lotta
    SMHI, Core Services.
    Larsson, M
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Olsson, Jonas
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Pers, Charlotta
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Modelling diffuse nutrient flow in eutrophication control scenarios2004In: Water Science and Technology, ISSN 0273-1223, E-ISSN 1996-9732, Vol. 49, no 3, p. 37-45Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The Swedish Water Management Research Programme (VASTRA) focuses on the development and demonstration of tools for more efficient eutrophication control when implementing the EU water framework directive in Sweden. During the first half of the programme, models for nitrogen flow were developed, and at present, similar models for phosphorus are under construction (e.g. HBV-P). The programme is interdisciplinary, and scientists are collaborating in actor-games and focus group evaluations including scenario analysis. The scenarios modelled in VASTRA phase 1, show that (i) changed agricultural practices can be the most effective and-least expensive way to reduce nitrogen transport from land to, the sea; (ii) constructed agricultural wetlands may only have small impact on riverine nitrogen transport in some regions, due to natural hydrometeorological dynamics; (iii) removing planktivorous fish may be an efficient way of reducing the algal concentrations in lakes without the undesired side-effect of increased nutrient load to the down-stream river system. In VASTRA phase 11, one of the highlights will be interdisciplinary scenario-modelling of different measure strategies in a pilot catchment of southern Sweden (Ronne a).

  • 4.
    Arheimer, Berit
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Dahne, Joel
    SMHI, Professional Services.
    Donnelly, Chantal
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Strömqvist, Johan
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Water and nutrient simulations using the HYPE model for Sweden vs. the Baltic Sea basin - influence of input-data quality and scale2012In: HYDROLOGY RESEARCH, ISSN 1998-9563, Vol. 43, no 4, p. 315-329Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Water resource management is often based on numerical models, and large-scale models are sometimes used for international strategic agreements. Sometimes the modelled area entails several political entities and river basins. To avoid methodological bias in results, methods and databases should be homogenous across political and geophysical boundaries, but this may involve fewer details and more assumptions. This paper quantifies the uncertainty when the same model code is applied using two different input datasets; a more detailed one for the country of Sweden (S-HYPE) and a more general one for the entire Baltic Sea basin (Balt-HYPE). Results from the two model applications were compared for the Swedish landmass and for two specific Swedish river basins. The results show that both model applications may be useful in providing spatial information of water and nutrients at various scales. For water discharge, most relative errors are <10% for S-HYPE and <25% for Balt-HYPE. Both applications reproduced the most mean concentration for nitrogen within 25% of the observed mean values, but phosphorus showed a larger scatter. Differences in model set-up were reflected in the simulation of both spatial and temporal dynamics. The most sensitive data were precipitation/temperature, agriculture and model parameter values.

  • 5.
    Arheimer, Berit
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Donnelly, Chantal
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Regulation of snow-fed rivers affects flow regimes more than climate change2017In: Nature Communications, E-ISSN 2041-1723, Vol. 8, article id 62Article in journal (Refereed)
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  • 6.
    Arheimer, Berit
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Hjerdt, Niclas
    SMHI, Core Services.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Artificially Induced Floods to Manage Forest Habitats Under Climate Change2018In: Frontiers in Environmental Science, E-ISSN 2296-665X, Vol. 6, article id 102Article in journal (Refereed)
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  • 7.
    Arheimer, Berit
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Climate impact on floods: changes in high flows in Sweden in the past and the future (1911-2100)2015In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, ISSN 1027-5606, E-ISSN 1607-7938, Vol. 19, no 2, p. 771-784Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    There is an ongoing discussion whether floods occur more frequently today than in the past, and whether they will increase in number and magnitude in the future. To explore this issue in Sweden, we merged observed time series for the past century from 69 gauging sites throughout the country (450 000 km(2)) with high-resolution dynamic model projections of the upcoming century. The results show that the changes in annual maximum daily flows in Sweden oscillate between dry and wet periods but exhibit no significant trend over the past 100 years. Temperature was found to be the strongest climate driver of changes in river high flows, which are related primarily to snowmelt in Sweden. Annual daily high flows may decrease by on average -1% per decade in the future, mainly due to lower peaks from snowmelt in the spring (-2% per decade) as a result of higher temperatures and a shorter snow season. In contrast, autumn flows may increase by + 3% per decade due to more intense rainfall. This indicates a shift in floodgenerating processes in the future, with greater influence of rain-fed floods. Changes in climate may have a more significant impact on some specific rivers than on the average for the whole country. Our results suggest that the temporal pattern in future daily high flow in some catchments will shift in time, with spring floods in the northern-central part of Sweden occurring about 1 month earlier than today. High flows in the southern part of the country may become more frequent. Moreover, the current boundary between snow-driven floods in northern-central Sweden and rain-driven floods in the south may move toward higher latitudes due to less snow accumulation in the south and at low altitudes. The findings also indicate a tendency in observations toward the modeled projections for timing of daily high flows over the last 25 years. Uncertainties related to both the observed data and the complex model chain of climate impact assessments in hydrology are discussed.

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  • 8.
    Arheimer, Berit
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Detecting Changes in River Flow Caused by Wildfires, Storms, Urbanization, Regulation, and Climate Across Sweden2019In: Water resources research, ISSN 0043-1397, E-ISSN 1944-7973Article in journal (Refereed)
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  • 9.
    Arheimer, Berit
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Olsson, Jonas
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    A systematic review of sensitivities in the Swedish flood-forecasting system2011In: Atmospheric research, ISSN 0169-8095, E-ISSN 1873-2895, Vol. 100, no 2-3, p. 275-284Article, review/survey (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Since the early 1970s operational flood forecasts in Sweden have been based on the hydrological HBV model. However, the model is only one component in a chain of processes for production of hydrological forecasts. During the last 35 years there has been considerable work on improving different parts of the forecast procedure and results from specific studies have been reported frequently. Yet, the results have not been compared in any overall assessment of potential for improvements. Therefore we formulated and applied a method for translating results from different studies to a common criterion of error reduction. The aim was to quantify potential improvements in a systems perspective and to identify in which part of the production chain efforts would result in significantly better forecasts. The most sensitive (> 20% error reduction) components were identified for three different operational-forecast types. From the analyses of historical efforts to minimise the errors in the Swedish flood-forecasting system, it was concluded that 1) general runoff simulations and predictions could be significantly improved by model structure and calibration, model equations (e.g. evapotranspiration expression), and new precipitation input using radar data as a complement to station gauges; 2) annual spring-flood forecasts could be significantly improved by better seasonal meteorological forecast, fresh re-calibration of the hydrological model based on long time-series, and data assimilation of snow-pack measurements using georadar or gamma-ray technique; 3) short-term (2 days) forecasts could be significantly improved by up-dating using an auto-regressive method for discharge, and by ensembles of meteorological forecasts using the median at occasions when the deterministic forecast is out of the ensemble range. The study emphasises the importance of continuously evaluating the entire production chain to search for potential improvements of hydrological forecasts in the operational environment. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  • 10.
    Arheimer, Berit
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Nilsson, Johanna
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Experimenting with Coupled Hydro-Ecological Models to Explore Measure Plans and Water Quality Goals in a Semi-Enclosed Swedish Bay2015In: Water, E-ISSN 2073-4441, Vol. 7, no 7, p. 3906-3924Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Measure plans are currently being developed for the Water Framework Directive (WFD) by European water authorities. In Sweden, such plans include measures for good ecological status in the coastal ecosystem. However, the effect of suggested measures is not yet known. We therefore experimented with different nutrient reduction measures on land and in the sea, using a model system of two coupled dynamic models for a semi-enclosed bay and its catchment. The science question was whether it is worthwhile to implement measures in the local catchment area to reach local environmental goals, or if the status of the Bay is more governed by the water exchange with the Sea. The results indicate that by combining several measures in the catchment, the nutrient load can be reduced by 15%-20%. To reach the same effect on nutrient concentrations in the Bay, the concentrations of the sea must be reduced by 80%. Hence, in this case, local measures have a stronger impact on coastal water quality. The experiment also show that the present targets for good ecological status set up by the Swedish water authorities may be unrealistic for this Bay. Finally, we discuss when and how to use hydro-ecological models for societal needs.

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  • 11.
    Bergstrand, Marie
    et al.
    SMHI, Core Services.
    Asp, Sara-Sofia
    SMHI, Core Services.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Nationwide hydrological statistics for Sweden with high resolution using the hydrological model S-HYPE2014In: HYDROLOGY RESEARCH, ISSN 1998-9563, Vol. 45, no 3, p. 349-356Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    A first version of nationally covering hydrological statistics for Sweden based on the S-HYPE hydrological model for the period 1961-2010 is described. A key feature of the proposed method is that observed data are used as input wherever such data are available, and the model is used for interpolation in between stations. Short observation records are automatically extended by the use of the model. High flow statistics typically differed by about +/- 10% from observations. The corresponding number for low flow was about +/- 30%. High flow peaks were usually simulated slightly too low whereas low flows were too high. In a relative sense low flows were more uncertain than high flows. The mean flow was relatively certain. The annual maximum values were fitted to a Gumbel distribution, by the method of moments, for each subbasin. Flood statistics were then calculated up to a return period of 50 years. According to a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, less than 1% of the fitted distributions were rejected. Most rejections occurred in regulated systems, due to difficulties in simulating regulation strategies, but also due to uncertainties in the precipitation input in the mountainous region. Results at small scale are very uncertain. The proposed method is a cost-effective way of calculating hydrological statistics with high spatial resolution.

  • 12.
    Bergström, Sten
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Andréasson, Johan
    SMHI, Professional Services.
    Graham, Phil
    SMHI, Professional Services.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Use of Hydrological Data and Climate Scenarios for Climate Change Detection in the Baltic Basin2004In: Study Conference on BALTEX: Conference Proceedings / [ed] Hans-Jörg Isemer, Risø National Laboratory Technical University of Denmark GKSS Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH , 2004, Vol. 4, p. 158-159Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 13.
    Bergström, Sten
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Carlsson, Bengt
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Gardelin, Marie
    SMHI, Professional Services.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Pettersson, Anna
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Rummukainen, Markku
    SMHI, Research Department, Climate research - Rossby Centre.
    Climate change impacts on runoff in Sweden - assessments by global climate models, dynamical downscaling and hydrological modelling2001In: Climate Research (CR), ISSN 0936-577X, E-ISSN 1616-1572, Vol. 16, no 2, p. 101-112Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The Swedish regional climate modelling programme, SWECLIM, started in 1997 with the main goal being to produce regional climate change scenarios over the Nordic area on a time scale of 50 to 100 yr. An additional goal is to produce water resources scenarios with a focus on hydropower production, dam safety, water supply and environmental aspects of water resources. The scenarios are produced by a combination of global climate models (GCMs), regional climate models and hydrological runoff models. The GCM simulations used thus far are 10 yr time slices from 2 different GCMs, UKMO HadCM2 from the Hadley Centre and the ECHAM4/OPYC3 of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. The regional climate model is a modified version of the international HIRLAM forecast model and the hydrological model is the HBV model developed at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute. Scenarios of river runoff have been simulated for 6 selected basins covering the major climate regions in Sweden. Changes in runoff totals, runoff regimes and extreme values have been analysed with a focus on the uncertainties introduced by the choice of GCM and routines for estimation of evapotranspiration in the hydrological model. It is further shown how these choices affect the statistical return periods of future extremes in a design situation.

  • 14.
    Bergström, Sten
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Harlin, Joakim
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    SPILLWAY DESIGN FLOODS IN SWEDEN .1. NEW GUIDELINES1992In: Hydrological Sciences Journal, ISSN 0262-6667, E-ISSN 2150-3435, Vol. 37, no 5, p. 505-519Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The new Swedish guidelines for the estimation of design floods for dams and spillways are presented, with emphasis on high-hazard dams. The method is based on a set of regional design precipitation sequences, rescaled for basin area, season and elevation above sea level, and a full hydrological model. A reservoir operation strategy is also a fundamental component of the guidelines. The most critical combination of flood generating factors is searched by systematically inserting the design precipitation sequence into a ten year climatological record, where the initial snowpack has been replaced by a statistical 30-year snowpack. The new guidelines are applicable to single reservoir systems as well as more complex hydroelectric schemes, and cover snowmelt floods, rain floods and combinations of the two. In order to study the probabilities of the computed floods and to avoid regional inconsistencies, extensive comparisons with observed floods and frequency analyses have been carried out.

  • 15.
    Bergström, Sten
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Core Services.
    Interpretation of runoff processes in hydrological modelling experience from the HBV approach2015In: Hydrological Processes, ISSN 0885-6087, E-ISSN 1099-1085, Vol. 29, no 16, p. 3535-3545Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The process of development and application of the Hydrologiska Byrans Vattenbalansavdelning hydrological model over a time period of more than 40years is reviewed and discussed. Emphasis is on the early modelling strategy and physical considerations based on contemporary research on runoff formation processes in the drainage basin. This includes areal considerations on the catchment scale, soil moisture and evapotranspiration and storages and discharge as represented by the response function of the model. The introduction of the concept of dynamic recharge and discharge areas is also addressed as well as the modelling of snow accumulation and melt. Some operational international experiences are also addressed. Copyright (c) 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  • 16.
    Bergström, Sten
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Pettersson, Anna
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Multi-variable parameter estimation to increase confidence in hydrological modelling2002In: Hydrological Processes, ISSN 0885-6087, E-ISSN 1099-1085, Vol. 16, no 2, p. 413-421Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The expanding use and increased complexity of hydrological runoff models has given rise to a concern about overparameterization and risks for compensating errors. One proposed way out is the calibration and validation against additional observations, such as snow, soil moisture, groundwater or water quality. A general problem, however, when calibrating the model against more than one variable is the strategy for parameter estimation. The most straightforward method is to calibrate the model components sequentially. Recent results show that in this way the model may be locked up in a parameter setting, which is good enough for one variable but excludes proper simulation of other variables. This is particularly the case for water quality modelling, where a small compromise in terms of runoff simulation may lead to dramatically better simulations of water quality. This calls for an integrated model calibration procedure with a criterion that integrates more aspects on model performance than just river runoff. The use of multi-variable parameter estimation and internal control of the HBV hydrological model is discussed and highlighted by two case studies. The first example is from a forested basin in northern Sweden and the second one is from an agricultural basin in the south of the country. A new calibration strategy, which is integrated rather than sequential, is proposed and tested. It is concluded that comparison of model results with more measurements than only runoff can lead to increased confidence in the physical relevance of the model, and that the new calibration strategy can be useful for further model development. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.

  • 17.
    Brandt, Maja
    et al.
    SMHI, Core Services.
    Bergström, Sten
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Gardelin, Marie
    SMHI, Professional Services.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Modellberäkning av extrem effektiv nederbörd1987Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Följande analys av vattenbalansen vid extrema situationer är ett led i Flödeskommittens arbete med att ta fram nya riktlinjer för dimensioneringsberäkningar för dammar och utskov, som inleddes våren 1985 (Ehlin, 1986). Frågan fick förnyad aktualitet i samband med höstflöden 1985 och 1986, som orsakade översvämningar och ett antal mindre dammras.De viktigaste faktorerna för beräkning av dimensionerande flöden är arealnederbörd, snösmältning, markfuktighet samt flödessituationen före flödet. En analys av extrem nederbörd har utförts (Vedin och Eriksson, 1986). För beräkning av effekten av den extrema nederbörden på flödet behöver även kombinationer av eventuell snösmältning och markfuktighetsunderskott i marken vara kända. Hur stor snösmältning kan tänkas ske i ett avrinningsområde? Kan vi räkna med att marken är helt mättad? Ett sätt att analysera detta är att med HBV-modellen ta fram extrema arealnederbörds- och snösmältningsvärden samt lägsta  markfuktighetsunderskott. I denna rapport redovisas en analys, som bygger på HBV-modellberäkningar i tjugofem avrinningsområden. Sammanlagt täcker områdena 79 000 km2 av Sveriges totala yta på449 000 km2. Den sammantagna tidsperioden för beräkningarna är475 år.

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  • 18. Breuer, L.
    et al.
    Huisman, J. A.
    Willems, P.
    Bormann, H.
    Bronstert, A.
    Croke, B. F. W.
    Frede, H. -G
    Graeff, T.
    Hubrechts, L.
    Jakeman, A. J.
    Kite, G.
    Lanini, J.
    Leavesley, G.
    Lettenmaier, D. P.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Seibert, J.
    Sivapalan, M.
    Viney, N. R.
    Assessing the impact of land use change on hydrology by ensemble modeling (LUCHEM). I: Model intercomparison with current land use2009In: Advances in Water Resources, ISSN 0309-1708, E-ISSN 1872-9657, Vol. 32, no 2, p. 129-146Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper introduces the project on 'Assessing the impact of land use change on hydrology by ensemble modeling (LUCHEM)' that aims at investigating the envelope of predictions on changes in hydrological fluxes due to land use change. As part of a series of four papers, this paper outlines the motivation and setup of LUCHEM, and presents a model intercomparison for the present-day simulation results. Such an intercomparison provides a valuable basis to investigate the effects of different model structures on model predictions and paves the ground for the analysis of the performance of multi-model ensembles and the reliability of the scenario predictions in companion papers. in this study, we applied a set of 10 lumped, semi-lumped and fully distributed hydrological models that have been previously used in land use change studies to the low mountainous Dill catchment. Germany. Substantial differences in model performance were observed with Nash-Sutcliffe efficiencies ranging from 0.53 to 0.92. Differences in model performance were attributed to (1) model input data, (2) model calibration and (3) the physical basis of the models. The models were applied with two sets of input data: an original and a homogenized data set. This homogenization of precipitation, temperature and leaf area index was performed to reduce the variation between the models. Homogenization improved the comparability of model simulations and resulted in a reduced average bias, although some variation in model data input remained. The effect of the physical differences between models on the long-term water balance was mainly attributed to differences in how models represent evapotranspiration. Semi-lumped and lumped conceptual models slightly outperformed the fully distributed and physically based models. This was attributed to the automatic model calibration typically used for this type of models. Overall, however, we conclude that there was no superior model if several measures of model performance are considered and that all models are suitable to participate in further multi-model ensemble set-ups and land use change scenario investigations. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  • 19.
    Bringfelt, Bertil
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Climate research - Rossby Centre.
    Räisänen, Jouni
    SMHI, Research Department, Climate research - Rossby Centre.
    Gollvik, Stefan
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Graham, Phil
    SMHI, Professional Services.
    Ullerstig, Anders
    SMHI, Research Department, Climate research - Rossby Centre.
    The land surface treatment for the Rossby Centre Regional Atmospheric Climate Model - version 2 (RCA2)2001Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    A new version of the land surface scheme has been completed and is now applied in comparative tests of version 2 of the Rossby Centre Regional Atmospheric Climate Model (RCA2) using analysed fields from the ECMWF reanalysis project (ERA). The scheme contains two soil layers and a vegetation layer. There are two prognostic temperatures, one covering the top soil layer plus vegetation and one for a second, deeper soil layer. There is also a third, bottom soil temperature relaxed to six-hourly ERA fields. For soil moisture there are two prognostic layers but no bottom relaxation is used. A hydrologically-based soil moisture model (beta model) is used to represent subgrid soil moisture variability. A hydrological snow model makes regard to subgrid temperature variability using a geographical database for variance of topography. There are equations for heat and moisture exchange between the two soil layers. Here the hydraulic and thermal properties depend on soil type and soil moisture. Transpiration flux transports moisture from both soil layers depending on a stomatal resistance of vegetation surfaces as function of daylight intensity, soil water deficit, fraction of frozen soil water, air temperature and water vapour pressure deficit in the air. A treatment of rainfall interception on vegetation is used, broadly following the ISBA model, with a vegetation layer storing intercepted water. Subgrid weighting of albedo, surface roughness and parameters for calculating surface resistance is made using a geographical database for area fraction of forest and open land. The leaf area index varies seasonally for short vegetation and for deciduous forest, but not for coniferous forest. A soil freezing/melting algorithm influencing soil temperature is used. Implicit methods are used for solving the equations of most surface variables. A summary of model results compared to observations, is given at the end of the report.

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  • 20.
    Carlsson, Bengt
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    HBV-modellen och flödesprognoser2001Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]
    • Olika uppdateringsmetoder för HBV-modellen har utvecklats och jämförts. Metoderna har utvärderats i simuleringsexperiment där modellkörningar med observerade data användes som meteorologisk prognos. De olika uppdateringsmetoder som testats är dels autoregressiva, dvs de bygger på en korrektion av uppmätt fel före prognosens början, dels sådana som bygger på en uppdatering av indata dvs nederbörd och temperatur och slutligen sådana där modellens tillståndsvariabler uppdateras. Resultaten visar att alla metoderna medför en förbättrad avrinningsprognos. Ingen av metoderna kan dock sägas vara den bästa vid alla tillfällen. AR-metoden gav bäst resultat vid högsta flöden, t ex i samband med snösmältning, medan uppdatering av modellens tillstånd gav något bättre resultat vid regnflöden. Om en modell skall användas för prognoser i samband med höga flöden är det viktigt att man redan vid kalibreringen tar hänsyn till detta och kalibrerar med hänsyn till just toppflöden, som annars systematiskt kommer att underskattas.
    • Effekten av en uppdatering avklingar jämförelsevis snabbt. Vid långtidsprognoser är det troligt att en kombination av nu testade metoder och uppdatering av t ex snömagasin och de faktorer som speciellt påverkar snösmältningen, dvs. temperatur och kanske t o m modellens graddagfaktor, skulle ge en bättre prognos.
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  • 21. Ceola, S.
    et al.
    Arheimer, Berit
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Baratti, E.
    Bloeschl, G.
    Capell, Réne
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Castellarin, A.
    Freer, J.
    Han, D.
    Hrachowitz, M.
    Hundecha, Yeshewatesfa
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Hutton, C.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Montanari, A.
    Nijzink, R.
    Parajka, J.
    Toth, E.
    Viglione, A.
    Wagener, T.
    Virtual laboratories: new opportunities for collaborative water science2015In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, ISSN 1027-5606, E-ISSN 1607-7938, Vol. 19, no 4, p. 2101-2117Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Reproducibility and repeatability of experiments are the fundamental prerequisites that allow researchers to validate results and share hydrological knowledge, experience and expertise in the light of global water management problems. Virtual laboratories offer new opportunities to enable these prerequisites since they allow experimenters to share data, tools and pre-defined experimental procedures (i.e. protocols). Here we present the outcomes of a first collaborative numerical experiment undertaken by five different international research groups in a virtual laboratory to address the key issues of reproducibility and repeatability. Moving from the definition of accurate and detailed experimental protocols, a rainfall-runoff model was independently applied to 15 European catchments by the research groups and model results were collectively examined through a web-based discussion. We found that a detailed modelling protocol was crucial to ensure the comparability and reproducibility of the proposed experiment across groups. Our results suggest that sharing comprehensive and precise protocols and running the experiments within a controlled environment (e.g. virtual laboratory) is as fundamental as sharing data and tools for ensuring experiment repeatability and reproducibility across the broad scientific community and thus advancing hydrology in a more coherent way.

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  • 22. De Lavenne, Alban
    et al.
    Andreassian, Vazken
    Crochemore, Louise
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Arheimer, Berit
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Quantifying multi-year hydrological memory with Catchment Forgetting Curves2022In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, ISSN 1027-5606, E-ISSN 1607-7938, Vol. 26, no 10, p. 2715-2732Article in journal (Refereed)
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    Quantifying multi-year hydrological memory with Catchment Forgetting Curves
  • 23. De Lavenne, Alban
    et al.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Strömqvist, Johan
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Pers, Charlotta
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Bartosova, Alena
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Arheimer, Berit
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Evaluation of overland flow modelling hypotheses with a multi-objective calibration using discharge and sediment data2022In: Hydrological Processes, ISSN 0885-6087, E-ISSN 1099-1085, Vol. 36, no 12, article id e14767Article in journal (Refereed)
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    Evaluation of overland flow modelling hypotheses with a multi-objective calibration using discharge and sediment data
  • 24.
    Elenius, Maria
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Introduced flow variability and its propagation downstream of hydropower stations in Sweden2022In: Hydrology Research, ISSN 1998-9563, E-ISSN 2224-7955Article in journal (Refereed)
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    Introduced flow variability and its propagation downstream of hydropower stations in Sweden
  • 25.
    Fuentes-Andino, Diana
    et al.
    SMHI, Core Services.
    Hundecha, Yeshewatesfa
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Olsson, Jonas
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Exploring the potential for parameter transfer from daily to hourly time step in the HYPE model for Sweden2022In: Hydrological Sciences Journal, ISSN 0262-6667, E-ISSN 2150-3435Article in journal (Refereed)
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    Exploring the potential for parameter transfer from daily to hourly time step in the HYPE model for Sweden
  • 26.
    Gardelin, Marie
    et al.
    SMHI, Professional Services.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Priestley-Taylor evapotranspiration in HBV-simulations1997In: Nordic Hydrology, ISSN 0029-1277, E-ISSN 1996-9694, Vol. 28, no 4-5, p. 233-246Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Estimations of potential evapotranspiration as input to runoff calculations with the HBV model are usually given as monthly standard values calculated with the Penman method. Daily changes in the weather conditions can in later model versions be taken into account by the introduction of a temperature anomaly correction of the evapotranspiration. In this study daily values of potential evapotranspiration calculated with the Priestley-Taylor method were used as input to the model. The required net radiation estimations were calculated from routine weather observations including cloudiness. Potential evapotranspiration was calculated on a three hour basis over a 20-year period. Model simulations using different input data on the potential evapotranspiration were made for three drainage basins (3,500-4,300 km(2)) in Sweden. The Priestley-Taylor evapotranspiration generally gave small improvements of the runoff simulations. The simple temperature anomaly correction method gave improvements of the same size.

  • 27. Grimvall, Anders
    et al.
    von Bromssen, Claudia
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Using process-based models to filter out natural variability in observed concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in river water2014In: Environmental Monitoring & Assessment, ISSN 0167-6369, E-ISSN 1573-2959, Vol. 186, no 8, p. 5135-5152Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Advances in process-based modelling of loads of nitrogen and phosphorus carried by rivers have created new possibilities to interpret time series of water quality data. We examined how model runs with constant anthropogenic forcing can be used to estimate and filter out weather-driven variation in observational data and, thereby, draw attention to other features of such data. An assessment of measured and modelled nutrient concentrations at the outlets of 45 Swedish rivers provided promising results for total nitrogen. In particular, joint analyses of observational data and outputs from the catchment model S-HYPE strengthened the evidence that downward trends in nitrogen were due to mitigation measures in agriculture. Evaluation of modelled and observed total phosphorus concentrations revealed considerable bias in the collection or chemical analysis of water samples and also identified weaknesses in the model outputs. Together, our results highlight the need for more efficient two-way communication between environmental modelling and monitoring.

  • 28.
    Harlin, Joakim
    et al.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Sundby, Mikael
    Brandesten, Claes-Olof
    Vattenfall Hydropower AB.
    Känslighetsanalys av Flödeskommitténs riktlinjer för dimensionering av hel älv1992Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    En känslighetsanalys av Flödeskommittens riktlinjer för beräkning av dimensionerande

    flöden tillämpade på flermagasinssystemet i Ljusnan redovisas. Simuleringarna har gjorts med hjälp av ett modell.system baserat på HBV-modellen, som kompletterats med regleringsstrategier. Det 14 560 km 2 stora avrinningsområdet delades in i 16 delområden. Vid tre kraftverksdammar studerades känsligheten hos de dimensionerande vattennivåerna med hänsyn tagen till ändringar i de föreskrivna riktlinjerna, regleringsstrategier

    och modellparametrar. Förändringar i den dimensionerande nederbörden, snömagasinet

    eller utskovskapaciteten hade betydande inverkan på högsta vattenståndet i alla tre

    magasinen. Ändringar i regleringsstrategierna hade mindre effekt. Den högsta recessionsparametern i HBV-modellen,

    Ko, hade stor inverkan på de dimensionerande vattennivåerna. Efter det att magasinet fyllts, syntes ett klart samband mellan högsta tillrinning och maximal vattennivå. Studien visar, att det är svårt att förutbestämma den integrerade effekten av extrem nederbörd, snösmältning, markfuktighetstillstånd och reglering i ett system.

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  • 29.
    Hellström, Sara-Sofia
    et al.
    SMHI, Core Services.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Regional analys av klimat, vattentillgång och höga flöden2008Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Rapporten beskriver långtidsvariationen i nederbörd, temperatur, vattentillgång och höga flöden i Sverige, med särskilt tonvikt på frågeställningar av betydelse för vattenkraftindustrin.Utgångspunkten för studien är regionala serier för nederbörd, temperatur och avrinning för tillrinningsområdena till de fyra havsbassängerna i Östersjön och Västerhavet: Bottenviken, Bottenhavet, Egentliga Östersjön och Västerhavet.

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  • 30. Hoeltinger, Stefan
    et al.
    Mikovits, Christian
    Schmidt, Johannes
    Baumgartner, Johann
    Arheimer, Berit
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Wetterlund, Elisabeth
    The impact of climatic extreme events on the feasibility of fully renewable power systems: A case study for Sweden2019In: Energy, ISSN 0360-5442, E-ISSN 1873-6785, Vol. 178, p. 695-713Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 31. Huisman, J. A.
    et al.
    Breuer, L.
    Bormann, H.
    Bronstert, A.
    Croke, B. F. W.
    Frede, H. -G
    Graeff, T.
    Hubrechts, L.
    Jakeman, A. J.
    Kite, G.
    Lanini, J.
    Leavesley, G.
    Lettenmaier, D. P.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Seibert, J.
    Sivapalan, M.
    Viney, N. R.
    Willems, P.
    Assessing the impact of land use change on hydrology by ensemble modeling (LUCHEM) III: Scenario analysis2009In: Advances in Water Resources, ISSN 0309-1708, E-ISSN 1872-9657, Vol. 32, no 2, p. 159-170Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    An ensemble of 10 hydrological models was applied to the same set of land use change scenarios. There was general agreement about the direction of changes in the mean annual discharge and 90% discharge percentile predicted by the ensemble members, although a considerable range in the magnitude of predictions for the scenarios and catchments under consideration was obvious. Differences in the magnitude of the increase were attributed to the different mean annual actual evapotranspiration rates for each land use type. The ensemble of model runs was further analyzed with deterministic and probabilistic ensemble methods. The deterministic ensemble method based on a trimmed mean resulted in a single somewhat more reliable scenario prediction. The probabilistic reliability ensemble averaging (REA) method allowed a quantification of the model structure uncertainty in the scenario predictions. It was concluded that the use of a model ensemble has greatly increased our confidence in the reliability of the model predictions. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  • 32.
    Häggström, Martin
    et al.
    SMHI, Core Services.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Application of the HBV model for flood forecasting in six Central American rivers1990Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This report describes the application of a runoff model to six rivers in Central America. It isa part of the project "Streamflow Forecasting and Flood Varning in Central America" for which the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI} has been responsible. The project has been financed by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and co-ordinated by the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH} in Sweden. The project is one of the efforts to predict and prevent natural disasters in Central America within the duties for Centro de Coordinacion para la Prevención de Desastres Naturales en America Central (CEPREDENAC).

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  • 33.
    Häggström, Martin
    et al.
    SMHI, Core Services.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Sandoval, Luz Amelia
    Vega, Maria Elvira
    Aplicacion del modelo HBV a la cuenca superior del Río Cauca1989Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [es]

    El r:fo Cauca recorre el occidente colornbiano de sur a norte, entre dos cadenas rnontafiosas , las cordilleras Central y Occidental. El area de su cuenca es de 58.500 krn. 2 y es el principal tributario del rio Magdalena

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  • 34.
    Häggström, Martin
    et al.
    SMHI, Core Services.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Sandoval, Luz Amelia
    Vega, Maria Elvira
    Application of the HBV model to the upper Río Cauca basin1988Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The work described in this report is part of a collaboration project between Corporación Autónoma Regional del Cauca (CVC), Colombia, and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI)

    CVC is an entity, whose main objective is to promote the economic and social development of the upper Cauca basin in the provinces of Cauca and Valle as well as of part of the Colombian Pacific region. One specific objective is to regulate the river, Rio Cauca, for flood control, hydropower generation and for pollution alleviation.

    The collaboration project deals with the application of the conceptual HBV model to the upper Rio Cauca. The work was started in February 1987 and completed in June 1988. The project was financially supported by the Swedish Agency for Technical and Economic Cooperation (BITS).

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  • 35.
    Johansson, Barbro
    et al.
    SMHI, Professional Services.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Olsson, Jonas
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Yacoub, Tahsin
    SMHI, Core Services.
    Haase, Günther
    SMHI, Research Department, Atmospheric remote sensing.
    Jacobsson, Karin
    SMHI, Professional Services.
    Sanner, Håkan
    SMHI, Core Services.
    Översvämningsprognoser i områden med ofullständiga data: Metodutveckling och utvärdering2007Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Rapporten redovisar slutresultat från projektet ”Översvämningsprognoser Utveckling av metoder för ett rikstäckande system för vattenförings- och vattenståndsprognoser”. Projektet har i huvudsak varit finansierat av Räddningsverket, numera MSB, (Myndigheten för Samhällsskydd och Beredskap), men har även utnyttjat resultat från näraliggande projekt finansierade av Elforsk, SMHI och EU.I ett rikstäckande system måste prognoser göras för vattendrag där det saknas detaljerad information om avrinningsområdets och älvfårans egenskaper. Modeller kan inte tillämpas och verifieras på samma sätt som i områden med god datatillgång och tillgång till tidsserier med observerad vattenföring. Eftersom beräkningarna inte kan verifieras mot observationer blir det extra viktigt med bra nederbördsinformation och att kunna ge ett mått på osäkerheten i prognosen. Projektet har dels arbetat med metodutveckling, dels med en omfattande utvärdering av data och beräkningsresultat. En pilotstudie gjordes för flödet sommaren 2004 i Lagan/Ljungby. Fokus har varit på följande områden:- Utveckling och utvärdering av en metodik för att utnyttja meteorologiska och hydrologiska sannolikhetsprognoser- Utvärdering och minimering av osäkerheten i hydrologiska (vattenföring) och hydrauliska (vattenstånd) prognosmodeller.- Utveckling och utvärdering av metoder för att utnyttja radarobservationer av nederbörd.Projektet har visat att det är möjligt att göra vattenståndsprognoser med rimlig noggrannhet, utgående från data som finns tillgängliga i ett rikstäckande system. Tillgång till bra nederbördsinformation för dagarna före prognosen är viktig, speciellt i sjörika system med ett långsamt förlopp. För att kunna göra sannolikhetsprognoser räcker det inte att ta hänsyn till osäkerheten i den meteorologiska prognosen genom att direkt utnyttja meteorologiska ensembleprognoser. Spridningen i de meteorologiska nederbördsprognoserna är inte tillräcklig och osäkerheten i den hydrologiska modellen måste beaktas.De projektresultat som inom det närmaste året kommer att utnyttjas i ett rikstäckande system är de som är relaterade till hydrologisk modellering och sannolikhetsprognoser. Arbetet med att utveckla metoder för att utnyttja radarinformation i operationell skattning av arealnederbörd fortgår. Fallstudier har visat att vattenståndsprognoser kan göras med modeller baserad på översiktlig information om topografi och tvärsektioner i vattendragen. Däremot är det tidsödande att sätta upp en hydraulisk modell för en godtycklig älvsträcka. Tills vidare är det realistiskt att anta att vattenståndsprognoser främst kommer att göras i vattendrag som ingått i den översiktliga översvämningskarteringen.

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  • 36.
    Johnell, Anna
    et al.
    SMHI, Professional Services.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Olsson, Jonas
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Deterministic evaluation of ensemble streamflow predictions in Sweden2007In: Nordic Hydrology, ISSN 0029-1277, E-ISSN 1996-9694, Vol. 38, no 4-5, p. 441-450Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    A system for ensemble streamflow prediction, ESP, has been operational at SMHI since July 2004, based on 50 meteorological ensemble forecasts from ECMWF. Hydrological ensemble forecasts are produced daily for 51 basins in Sweden. All ensemble members, as well as statistics (minimum, 25% quartile, median, 75% quartile and maximum), are stored in a database. This paper presents an evaluation of the first 18 months of ESP median forecasts from this system, and in particular their performance in comparison with today's categorical forecast. The evaluation was made in terms of three statistical measures: bias B, root mean square error RMSE and absolute peak flow error PE. For ESP forecasts the bias ranged between -20% and 80% with a systematic overestimation for Sweden as a whole. A comparison between bias in input precipitation and ESP output, respectively, revealed only a weak relationship, but streamflow overestimation is likely related mainly to model properties. The results from the streamflow forecast comparison showed that the ESP median in deterministic terms performs overall as well as the presently used categorical forecast. Further, ESP has the advantage of providing at least a qualitative measure of the uncertainty in the forecasts, with probability forecasts being the ultimate goal.

  • 37.
    Karlsson, Bengt
    et al.
    Bergström, Sten
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Brandt, Maja
    SMHI, Core Services.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    PULS-modellen: Struktur och tillämpningar1987Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    1982 inleddes ett forskningsprojekt vid SMBI, som syftar till modellering av hydrokemiska förhållanden i ett vattendrag. Huvudvikten lades vid de naturliga flödesbetingade kortvariga variationerna i alkalinitet och pH. Utgångspunkten i arbetet var HBV-modellen (Bergström, 1976) samt dess vidareutveckling för grundvattensimulering (Bergström och Sandberg, 1983).Under de följande åren utvecklades den modell, som fått namnet PULS. Namnet kommer av att varje puls av regn eller snösmältning kan följas individuellt vid transporten genom marken. Filosofin bakom modellen och dess funktion finns beskriven av Bergström m fl (1985). Avsikten med denna rapport är att ge en fördjupad inblick i PULS-modellen och dess tillämpningar.Modellen har hittills tillämpats för simulering av pH och alkalinitet i 14 områden, varav 12 i Sverige och 2 i Finland.Denna rapport omfattar dels en beskrivning av modellen, dels exempel på tillämpningar i ovan nämnda områden. Eftersom tillämpningarna sträcker sig över flera år, har för de äldsta fallen ej exakt samma modellstruktur som den här beskrivna använts. Avslutningsvis visas exempel på hur man ur simulering av långa serier preliminärt kan bedöma eventuella försurningstrender.

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  • 38. Kayhko, Jukka
    et al.
    Apsite, Elga
    Bolek, Anna
    Filatov, Nikolai
    Kondratyev, Sergey
    Korhonen, Johanna
    Kriauciuniene, Jurate
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Nazarova, Larisa
    Pyrh, Anna
    Sztobryn, Marzenna
    Recent Change-River Run-off and Ice Cover2015Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This chapter compiles and assesses information on run-off and discharge from rivers within the Baltic Sea drainage basin. Some information is also available on ice duration on inland waterways. Although decadal and regional variability is large, no significant long-term change has been detected in total river run-off to the Baltic Sea over the past 500 years. A change in the timing of the spring flood has been observed due to changes in the timing of snowmelt. Change in temperature seems to explain change in run-off better than does precipitation. Later start dates for ice formation on waterways, and earlier ice break-up dates have resulted in shorter periods of ice cover.

  • 39. Lewerin, S. S.
    et al.
    Sokolova, E.
    Wahlstrom, H.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Pers, Charlotta
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Strömqvist, Johan
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Soren, K.
    Potential infection of grazing cattle via contaminated water: a theoretical modelling approach2019In: Animal, ISSN 1751-7311, E-ISSN 1751-732X, Vol. 13, no 9, p. 2052-2059, article id PII S1751731118003415Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Wastewater discharge and agricultural activities may pose microbial risks to natural water sources. The impact of different sources can be assessed by water quality modelling. The aim of this study was to use hydrological and hydrodynamic models to illustrate the risk of exposing grazing animals to faecal pollutants in natural water sources, using three zoonotic faecal pathogens as model microbes and fictitious pastures in Sweden as examples. Microbial contamination by manure from fertilisation and grazing was modelled by use of a hydrological model (HYPE) and a hydrodynamic model (MIKE 3 FM), and microbial contamination from human wastewater was modelled by application of both models in a backwards process. The faecal pathogens Salmonella spp., verotoxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 (VTEC) and Cryptosporidium parvum were chosen as model organisms. The pathogen loads on arable land and pastures were estimated based on pathogen concentration in cattle faeces, herd prevalence and within-herd prevalence. Contamination from human wastewater discharge was simulated by estimating the number of pathogens required from a fictitious wastewater discharge to reach a concentration high enough to cause infection in cattle using the points on the fictitious pastures as their primary source of drinking water. In the scenarios for pathogens from animal sources, none of the simulated concentrations of salmonella exceeded the concentrations needed to infect adult cattle. For VTEC, most of the simulated concentrations exceeded the concentration needed to infect calves. For C. parvum, all the simulated concentrations exceeded the concentration needed to infect calves. The pathogen loads needed at the release points for human wastewater to achieve infectious doses for cattle were mostly above the potential loads of salmonella and VTEC estimated to be present in a 24-h overflow from a medium-size Swedish wastewater treatment plant, while the required pathogen loads of C. parvum at the release points were below the potential loads of C. parvum in a 24-h wastewater overflow. Most estimates in this study assume a worst-case scenario. Controlling zoonotic infections at herd level prevents environmental contamination and subsequent human exposure. The potential for infection of grazing animals with faecal pathogens has implications for keeping animals on pastures with access to natural water sources. As the infectious dose for most pathogens is more easily reached for calves than for adult animals, and young calves are also the main shedders of C. parvum, keeping young calves on pastures adjacent to natural water sources is best avoided.

  • 40.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    A simple automatic calibration routine for the HBV model1997In: Nordic Hydrology, ISSN 0029-1277, E-ISSN 1996-9694, Vol. 28, no 3, p. 153-168Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    A simple, but efficient, method for automatic calibration of the conceptual HBV rainfall-runoff model was developed. A new criterion, which combines the commonly used efficiency criterion R-2 and the relative volume error was introduced. 2 values nearly as high as those Optimising this combined criterion resulted in R-2 for optimising only R-2, but With much smaller volume errors. An earlier automatic calibration method for the HBV model relied on the use of different criteria for different parameters. With the simplification to one single criterion, the optimum search method could be made more efficient. The optimisation is made for one parameter at a time, while the others are kept constant. This one-dimensional optimisation is repeated in a loop for all parameters. A new loop is performed as long as there is a sufficiently large improvement since the last one. After each loop a search is made in the direction which is defined by the differences in parameter values between the two latest loops. The calibration routine was developed for, and tested with, the HBV model, but it should be general enough to be applicable to other models as well.

  • 41.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Analys av avrinningsserier för uppskattning av effektivt regn1987Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    En metod för beräkning av effektiv nederbörd ur avrinningsserier presenteras. Metoden innebär, att hela avrinningsområdet betraktas som en effektiv regnmätare, vilken analyseras via sin avrinningsserie. Resultaten inkluderar bidrag från regn, snösmältning och förluster pga magasinering i marken samt tar hänsyn till den areella variationen i alla dessa faktorer.Den föreslagna metoden har tillämpats på 31 avrinningsserier, företrädesvis från områden i norra Sverige, totalt omfattande1 365 observationsår. De erhållna uppskattningarna av effektiva regn är för nederbördstillfällen med enbart regn i allmänhet avsevärt lägre än den nederbördsmängd, som fallit över området. Dessutom kan i flera områden en viss reduktion av risken för höga effektiva regn sommartid skönjas. Orsaken till detta är i första hand effekten av ett markfuktighetsunderskott sommartid. I utpräglade fjällområden är detta förhållande ej lika framträdande.En viss minskning av den största påträffade effektiva regnmängden med ökande areal framgår av materialet.Stora effektiva regn, orsakade av snösmältning under våren, är mer frekventa än stora regntillfällen under sommar och höst, i synnerhet om flerdygnsvärden analyseras.

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  • 42.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Differentiering av flödesskapande processer: uppdelning av högflöden i regn och snösmältning2024Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Projektet som beskrivs i denna rapport syftade till att analysera orsaken till höga flöden i Sverige, och kartlägga hur orsakerna varierat i tid och rum. Analyserna baserades på den hydrologiska modellen S-HYPE. Modellen beskriver flödena i vattendrag och sjöar i hela Sverige, i hög rumslig upplösning. Regn, snösmältning och avdunstning i avrinningsområdena till 580 hydrologiska stationer beräknades för åren 1961-2020. Den uppmätta vattenföringen delades upp i andelar orsakade regn och snösmältning med en för ändamålet utvecklad, förenklad modell. Modellen består av två icke-linjära magasin, varav det första kan sägas motsvara mark- och grundvatten och det andra vattendrag och sjöar. Den använda metoden innebär att man gör en dynamisk uppdelning av till hur stor del en observerad flödesrespons har utlösts av impulser av regn respektive snösmältning. Trendanalys av andel regn gjordes för de högsta uppmätta flödena varje år.Praktiskt taget alla områdena har genomsnittliga andelar regn mellan 10 och 90 % som orsak till de höga flödena. Gradienten i nord-sydlig riktning i flödesorsak är tydlig. De högsta flödena i oreglerade vattendrag i Norrland domineras av snösmältning. En mindre del av flödena kan kallas kombinationsflöden, och en ännu mindre andel domineras av regn. Det enskilt högsta uppmätta flödestillfället i Sverige, i juni 1968 i Torneälven, orsakades nästan helt av snösmältning, och bestod enligt resultaten till endast 12 % av regn. Likaså orsakades det kända flödestillfället 1995, som påverkade många oreglerade vattendrag i landet ända från Klarälven i söder till Torneälven i norr, främst av snösmältning. I södra Sverige, däremot, uppstår de högsta flödena oftast vintertid, genom kombinationer av regn och snösmältning, med en övervikt för regn. I södra Sverige, syns dessutom en skillnad mellan väst och öst, med större andel regn i väst.Nedströms större regleringar blir bilden annorlunda, eftersom magasinen har byggts för att fånga upp snösmältningen. Här kan de högsta utflödena i stället utlösas av regn efter det att magasinen fyllts upp av vårfloden. Andelen regn som orsak till de högsta flödena har ökat något under perioden 1961-2020, vilket stämmer överens med den ökande temperaturen under denna period.

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    Differentiering av flödesskapande - uppdelning av högflöden i regn och snösmältning
  • 43.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Floods in Sweden – Trends and occurrence1993Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Sweden experienced a number of large floods in the 1980-ies. This raised the question of whether floods were becoming more frequent. A systematic study on floods was carried out, to provide a perspective to past and future floods. Frequency analysis was made using 16 methods. A split-sample test was used for evaluation of the predictive power of the methods. Numerical criteria were used for measuring the goodness of fit. The return periods of observed floods were estirnated by use of plotting positions.

    No convincing evidence of trends was found. The 1980-ies had larger floods than usual, where as the 1970-ies had few high floods, especially, in the auturnn. This may have led to the, irnpression of a trend. No evidence of autocorrelation or periodicity was found. For most of Sweden, the spring was found to be the season with highest extremes. The flood-moderating effect of regulation was illustrated, although floods were also found to occur in regulated systems. The results from the frequency analysis depended on the choice of criteria. In general, however, distributions with two parameters performed best. Neither a two component model treating spring and autumn separately, three parameter distributions, nor regional analyses gave any irnprovements. The spatial correlation within the data was considerable.

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  • 44.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Hydrologiska aspekter på åtgärder mot vattenbrist och torka inom avrinningsområden2019Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Vattenbrist och torka har varit i fokus i Sverige under senare åren. 2016-2018 var särskilt torra i södra Sverige. Syftet med denna rapport är främst att jämföra de senaste åren med tidigare förhållanden och att anlysera effekten av olika åtgärder mot vattenbrist och torka. Hydrologiska mätserier analyserades, ända sedan 1807 fram till och med 2018. Tonvikten är på perioden från och med 1900, eftersom få stationer var igång innan dess. Vattenföringen minskar inte generellt i Sverige. Lågflödena har ökat i norra Sverige, troligen beroende på milda vintrar på senare år. I sydöstra Sverige har lågflödena i stället minskat, eventuellt delvis på grund av regleringar. 2016-2018 var mycket torra i sydost. Vilket år som har varit torrast beror på var i landet man avser och vad man menar med torrt. Lågflöden analyserades både med statistiska metoder och med den hydrologiska modellen S-HYPE. Osäkerheten i uppskattningar av lågflöden är stor i båda metodvalen. Några sätt att förbättra metodiken föreslås i rapporten. Effekten av olika scenarier beräknades både med en statistisk metod och med S-HYPE. Den faktor som har störst effekt för att höja lågflödena är att man sparar vatten i sjöar, särskilt om man reglerar dem så att vatten sparas till sommaren. De flesta av de simulerade förändringarna i landskapet gav mindre effekt. Sammanfattningsvis är det framförallt vädret och klimatet som avgör vattenflödet. Att det var så torrt åren 2016-2018 beror främst på att det regnade så lite. Effekterna av torrperioder kan mildras genom att man sparar vatten i till exempel sjöar eller dammar.

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  • 45.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Lake water levels for calibration of the S-HYPE model2016In: HYDROLOGY RESEARCH, ISSN 1998-9563, Vol. 47, no 4, p. 672-682Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 46.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Regional kalibrering av HBV-modellen2006Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    HBV-modellen, som används av den hydrologiska varningstjänsten vid SMHI, är en förenklad beskrivning av det hydrologiska kretsloppet. En befintlig metod för regional kalibrering av HBVmodellen vidareutvecklades. Parametrar tas fram som ger så god överensstämmelse som möjligt till flera vattenföringsstationer i en region. Dessa värden kan därefter användas för uppskattning av vattenföringen i en godtycklig punkt i regionen. Metoden testades i tre områden: Rönne å i Skåne, Dillområdet i Tyskland och den region som omfattar vattendragen till Västerhavet. Regionala utvidgningar av R2-värdet, volymfel och toppfel kombineras i ett optimeringskriterium. R2-värdet och toppfelet bör utvärderas endast i små, oreglerade områden med låg sjöprocent. Som övre gränser sattes en areal på 2000 km2 och en sjöprocent på 10 %. Det sistnämnda visade sig dock vara för högt satt.Volymfelet kan däremot utvärderas i samtliga ingående stationer, och få påverka kalibreringen. I de relativt små, homogena områdena Rönne å och Dill erhölls mycket goda resultat. Anpassningen blev något sämre med regionala parametrar än vad som kan uppnås genom lokal kalibrering i det stora testområdet, vattendragen till Västerhavet. I allmänhet underskattades toppflödena något. Fördelen är att man får parametervärden som användas i hela regionen.

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  • 47.
    Lindström, Göran
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Vattentillgång och höga flöden i Sverige under 1900-talet2002Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Water resources and floods in Sweden were studied with respect to trends and occurrence, with emphasis on the period 1901-2000. Two periods stand out when it comes to annual runoff: the 1920s, and the two last decades in the study period, with a runoff anomaly compared to the whole century of about +8%. The 1970s was the driest decade, with a runoff about 9 % below the century average. The most deviating 30-year period was 1951-80 with an anomaly of -5 % compared to 1901-2000. The few records that are available from the 19th century indicate an even higher runoff, but at lower temperatures. A linear regression to the runoff <luring the whole 20 th century gives an increase of 4 %, but the change was not statistically significant. The analysis of flood peaks suffers from uncertainties in the data. Flood peaks in old data were probably underestimated, since readings were made less frequently than today. A linear regression to annual flood peaks <luring the period 1911-2000 indicates an increase with about 10 %. This increase is almost significant at the 95 % level. The clearest increase was, however, found in basins with the less reliable observations. A smaller increase was obtained for an alternative selection of stations, which were considered to be more reliable. No significant trend was found in the selection of more reliable data. Seen in a shorter perspective, the autumn floods increased considerably <luring the period 1970-2000. Similar autumn floods, were, however; experienced in the 1920s. No increased frequency of very high floods, with a retum period of at least 10 years, could be determined.

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  • 48.
    Lindström, Göran
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Alexandersson, Hans
    Recent mild and wet years in relation to long observation records and future climate change in Sweden2004In: Ambio, ISSN 0044-7447, E-ISSN 1654-7209, Vol. 33, no 4-5, p. 183-186Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Recent mild and wet years in Sweden were compared with long observation series of temperature, precipitation and runoff. Spatial average series for northern and southern Sweden were constructed and analyzed for the period 1901-2002. Precipitation increased considerably during the period, whereas temperature and runoff increases were weaker. On average, for the whole country, the differences between the period 1991-2002 and 1901-1990 were +0.7degreesC for temperature, +11% in precipitation and +7% in runoff. The differences in temperature and precipitation, but not runoff, were significant at the 5% level. However, the 1930s were equally mild, and the runoff was almost as high in the 1920s. The characteristic feature of the past decade is the combination of high temperature, precipitation and runoff. The deviation between the most recent decade and the preceding years is consistent with climate scenario projections for Sweden, but there are also differences in the seasonal pattern.

  • 49.
    Lindström, Göran
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Bartosova, Alena
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Hjerdt, Niclas
    SMHI, Core Services.
    Strömqvist, Johan
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Uppehållstider i ytvatten i relation tillvattenkvalitetNET, ett generellt uppskalningsverktyg2018Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    NET är ett verktyg för uppskattning av vattenburen transport av olika ämnen i punkter där detsaknas mätningar. Verktyget togs ursprungligen fram inom forskningsprogrammet ”Climatechange and the Environmental Objectives” (CLEO, Munthe et al., 2014 och 2016). Tanken äratt NET ska vara generellt, och kunna användas för simulering av olika ämnen, men endastberäkna medelvärden över tiden av mängder och koncentrationer. Ofta är det mängder som ärslutmålet för en beräkning, varför det i vissa situationer kan finnas mycket att vinna på attanvända en enkel och snabb beräkningsmodell. Inom CLEO simulerades flöden av totalkväve,total-fosfor och totalt organiskt kol.

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  • 50.
    Lindström, Göran
    et al.
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Bergström, Sten
    SMHI, Research Department, Hydrology.
    Runoff trends in Sweden 1807-20022004In: Hydrological Sciences Journal, ISSN 0262-6667, E-ISSN 2150-3435, Vol. 49, no 1, p. 69-83Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Time series of annual runoff volumes and annual and seasonal flood peaks in Sweden were analysed. The study included a total of 61 discharge series, with emphasis on the period 1901-2002. Three wet decades stand out in the 20th century: the 1920s, 1980s and 1990s, with a runoff anomaly of +8%. The 1970s were very dry. In a short perspective, both runoff volumes and flood magnitude increased substantially between 1970 and 2002, but similar conditions were experienced in the 1920s. The linear regression line for the average runoff from all of Sweden increased by 5% over the past century, but the trend was not statistically significant. The runoff in the 19th century was in fact even higher than in recent decades, although temperatures were lower. Flood levels increased slightly more than annual runoff volumes in northern Sweden. However, flood peaks in old data are probably underestimated. The largest increase was consequently found in less reliable data series. It is therefore difficult to conclude that flood levels are actually increasing.

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