A model for the forecasting of oil drift has been developed at the SMHI. The model describes the pollution on the surface by treating it as a large nurnberof particles. These particles are transported by:-
- the surface current driven directly by the wind
- the background circulation driven by the inclination of the sealevel
- the turbulence of the sea
Usually the wind driven current is calculated by reducing the wind speed by a constant factor, the wind factor. Measurements show, however, that the windfactor varies with the state of the oil and also with the wind speed. An equation is derived where the velocity profile decreases logarithmically from the surface downwards and continuously transforms into an Ekman balance at a greater depth.
The background circulation; the currents driven by the inclination of the sea level, will be calculated by a separate vertically integrated model. The model gives the currents in the Baltic.
Every oil particle will also be exposed to a turbulent movement, which is calculated by random technics.
The velocity of each oil-particle can be written as
\V = \VT + \VB + \V' where
\VT, is the oil velocity depending on the wind, \VB is the backgroundcirculation and \V' is the turbulent oil movement.
It is important that this model be fast and easy to handle. At the same time, the results must be reliable and of good quality. The aim is to constantlyhave an effective "emergency forecasting program" ready to operate as soon as an accident occurs .