This report is a technical description on the project Integrated Hydrological Monitoring and Forecasting System for the Vistula River Basin. The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological lnstitute in Nonköping, Sweden, (hereinafter called SMHI) and Institute of Meteorology and Water Management in Warsaw, Poland, (hereinafter called IMWM) has fulfilled and co-operated in this project. SMHI have as consultants been responsible for design and development of the Vistula River Monitoring and Forecasting System, for on-the-job training and education in Windows programming and development as well as in set-up, calibration and applications of the HBV-model. IMWM responsibilities has been to provide the project with hydrometeorological data and information on land use for the calibration activities and to supply the project with the hydrodynamic model in use at the polish institute. IMWM has been deeply involved in the design and development of the Vistula River Monitoring and Forecasting System and bad the main responsibility in the HBV-model calibration activities.