The Swedish Regional Clirnate Modeling Program (SWECLIM) is a 6-year national research effort with the airn of providing the Swedish society with more detailed regional climate scenarios than typically available from international global clirnate rnodel simulations. The background is the perceived further enhancernent of the greenhouse effect that is projected to lead to global warming and other changes m the clirnate systern. SWECLIM provides users within governmental organizations, businesses, political decision-rnaking, as well as media and the general public with expertise and synthesis of clirnate change issues, science, results and the detailed regional climate scenarios, to further the understanding of the future changes, to facilitate planning and realization of rnitigation and/or adaptation measures. This requires developrnent and use of regionalization techniques, regional rnodeling tools and other studies of the relevant regional processes and collected data. Apart from hydrological interpretation done of the clirnate scenarios, SWECLIM does not perfonn irnpact studies. Additional concretization of the clirnate scenarios by externa! groups, who possess branch-specific irnpact assessrnent expertise, is supported and encouraged by SWECLIM.
This report describes the background of the SWECLIM-prograrn, the work undertaken during program phase 1,l asting from 1997 to June 2000. The model developrnent, the prepared regional climate and water resources scenarios, results from statistical downscaling and basic process studies and data analyses, as well as the interaction with users and media are covered. Finally, a brief introduction to the program phase 2 plans are provided.