To facilitate the development of the OSPAR eutrophication monitoring programme, this report presents the statistical strength of trends reported in the 2002 Common Procedure Report1. After correcting nutrient records to a reference salinity of 30 psu (to compensate for the effects of dilution), ortho-phosphate concentration exhibits a significant negative trend in the inshore Kattegat and Skagerrak. Significant decreases in silicate were observed in all areas. These changes caused changes in Redfield and other nutrient ratios. Indirect indicators of eutrophication (autumn, bottom oxygen concentration; growing-season chlorophyll-a concentration) exhibited significant trends. Chlorophyll-a concentration increased in the Skagerrak, while oxygen concentration decreased in all areas, apart from the inshore Kattegat.Spatial characteristics of the study area were tested using probability mapping. The Kattegat was found to be well represented by 8 divisions, while 4 areas were suitable Skagerrak.Changes in the current monitoring programme were not recommended. Increasing sampling frequency could interfere with the statistical independence of measurements – an assumption for the validity of trend calculations. Filling gaps in the existing time series improves the statistical significance of observed trends. This requires effective data exchange between monitoring institutions, and possibly data archaeology.