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Bengtsson,, L., Gustafsson, N., Döös, B., Söderman, D., Moen, L., Thompson, T., . . . Kållberg, P. (2016). The Meteorological Auto Code (MAC) and Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) at SMHI.
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2016 (English)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Sweden was a pioneering country in the development of NumericalWeather Prediction (NWP). The worlds first operational numerical forecast was produced already in 1954 by the International Meteorological Institute in Stockholm. SMHI started a bit later, but in 1961 a long term program for development of NWP was initiated. The activities grew gradually during the 1960’s and resulted in a core component for the SMHI forecast services. An early challenge was to overcome the limited computational resources with slow computational speed, small memory size and primitive software support. It was necessary to compensate for these limitations with dedicated work and creativity. A core component in this work was the software system MAC (Meteorological Auto Code) that was developed by the NWP group at SMHI. The MAC system is described in detail in this report and it included all computational software needed for the weather service, for example numerical models, objective analysis techniques, automatic data extraction, quality control of observations as well as forecast products in graphical or digital form.

We hope that this report will provide the younger generation with some insight into the conditions for development of NWP during the 1960’s.

Abstract [sv]

Sverige var ett föregångsland inom numeriska vädderprognoser och den allra första operativa väderprognosen gjordes redan 1954 på det Internationella Meteorologiska Institutet i Stockholm. SMHI kom igång senare, men 1961 startade man ett långsiktigt program för NWP (numerical weather prediction). Projektet växte gradvis under 1960-talet och blev så småningom en central komponent i SMHIs prognostjänst. En utmaning under de tidiga åren var de begränsade dataresurserna med primitiv programvara, och med dagens mått begränsat minnesutrymme och låg beräkningshastighet. För att kompensera dessa brister krävdes både beslutsamhet och ett stort mått av kreativitet. Som en central komponent i arbetet utvecklade NWP-gruppen datorsystemet MAC (Meteorological Auto Code) som här beskrivs i detalj samt också alla de beräkningsprogram som krävdes för prognostjänsten. Detta inkluderade olika prognosmodeller, analys samt program för databehandling och observationskontroll samt produktion av prognosresultaten i grafisk eller digital form.

Det är vår förhoppning att f´öreliggande artikel skall ge den yngre generationen en inblick i hur det var att syssla med NWP under 1960-talet.

p. 21
RMK: Report Meteorology and Climatology, ISSN 0347-2116 ; 117
National Category
Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences Climate Research
Research subject
Meteorology; Climate
urn:nbn:se:smhi:diva-2152 (URN)
Available from: 2016-05-10 Created: 2016-05-10 Last updated: 2020-05-13Bibliographically approved
Håkansson, B., Moberg, M. & Thompson, T. (1995). REAL-TIME USE OF ERS-1 SAR IMAGERY FOR ICE SERVICE AND ICEBREAKING OPERATIONS IN THE BALTIC SEA. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 16(17), 3441-3458
1995 (English)In: International Journal of Remote Sensing, ISSN 0143-1161, E-ISSN 1366-5901, Vol. 16, no 17, p. 3441-3458Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Sea ice forms every winter in the Baltic Sea and several icebreakers in Sweden and Finland keep the major ports in the area open for sea-trade all the year around. Information and forecasts of the sea ice formation, drift and deformation are vital for safe and efficient winter navigation. In this respect, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery is of great interest, since this technique is almost cloud independent and has potential for real-time ice mapping. The usefulness of SAR imagery for sea ice operations has been evaluated in the Baltic Sea. The imagery was used both for ice mapping, for icebreaker operations and ship routeing. Images presented onboard the icebreakers were highly appreciated and easily interpreted by the crew. The data were frequently used for ship routeing (33 per cent) of merchant vessels and for direct icebreaker assistance (53 per cent). It was concluded by several icebreaker masters that an image resolution of about 100 m was indeed enough to distinguish ridged areas and in the same time obtain a large enough geographical coverage per image.

National Category
Oceanography, Hydrology and Water Resources
Research subject
urn:nbn:se:smhi:diva-1650 (URN)A1995TH68900015 ()
Available from: 2016-01-26 Created: 2015-12-22 Last updated: 2018-01-10Bibliographically approved
ASKNE, J., LEPPARANTA, M. & Thompson, T. (1992). THE BOTHNIAN EXPERIMENT IN PREPARATION FOR ERS-1, 1988 (BEPERS-88) - AN OVERVIEW. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 13(13), 2377-2398
Open this publication in new window or tab >>THE BOTHNIAN EXPERIMENT IN PREPARATION FOR ERS-1, 1988 (BEPERS-88) - AN OVERVIEW
1992 (English)In: International Journal of Remote Sensing, ISSN 0143-1161, E-ISSN 1366-5901, Vol. 13, no 13, p. 2377-2398Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

BEPERS-88 was an extensive field campaign on the use of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) in sea ice remote sensing in the Baltic Sea. This experiment was performed in order to study the possibilities of using the ERS-1 satellite SAR (and radar altimeter) in connection with the brackish ice in the Baltic Sea. The Canada Centre for Remote Sensing CV-580 C/X-band SAR was flown and an extensive validation programme was carried out. The data have been used for SAR image analysis, backscatter investigations, geophysical validation of SAR over sea ice, and evaluation of the potentials of SAR in operational ice information services. The results indicate that SAR can be used to discriminate between ice and open water, classify ice types into three categories, quantify ice ridging intensity, and determine the ice drift. As an operational tool SAR is expected to be an excellent complement to NOAA imagery and ground truth.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
National Category
Oceanography, Hydrology and Water Resources
Research subject
urn:nbn:se:smhi:diva-1700 (URN)A1992JQ96300002 ()
Available from: 2016-02-03 Created: 2016-02-02 Last updated: 2018-01-10Bibliographically approved

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